

Instant Hedges began in 2007. Since then we have continued to grow and have had the pleasure of working with some wonderful clients helping to bring their aspirations to fruition. Here are some of our completed projects and testimonials from over the years.
Visit our News page for more installations and inspiration.


We were contracted by a large Scottish estate to deliver and plant 385m of instant Fagus sylvatica hedge. Our 2m tall 80x80cm square clipped units made a fantastic established hedge with continuity which looked as if it had been in situ for years. This project took just over a week from delivery to completion.

Canons Ashby

Having worked for the National Trust for nearly 10 years we were pleased to be involved in the restoration of Canons Ashby in Northampton. We supplied and installed two large Taxus topiary forms to frame the main entrance at the stately home and were a great addition to the existing ancient topiary.

Hampstead Heath

We supplied a beautiful selection of semi-mature trees to a private garden in London. The design comprised 14 pleached Quercus ilex, 2 boxhead (1.8×1.8m crown) Quercus ilex and 1 feature multistem Parrotia persica. The linear evergreen pleached trees contrasted with the 4m tall black bespoke fencing.


Supply and install of boundary hedge planting along the roadside of the residential property. The Yew (Taxus baccata) hedging provided instant screening and a mature landscape on day one of completion. The benefit of the evergreen Yew is that it would provide the client with privacy throughout the year.


"Excellent advice received on site in the planning stage & the most efficient installation, Instant Hedges transformed the front of our property providing the attractive privacy requested."

"Instant Hedges provide exactly what you require, when you require it & always on budget. As a house building contractor finding the right supplier is paramount to our construction program & Instant Hedges provide top quality plants, always on time. A good quality supplier with the correct customer focused attitude."

"I was impressed not only with the professional advice and service you gave me regarding tree selection, but I was also impressed by the speed in which you and the team undertook the planting, which had an instant effect."

"We have purchased over 100 trees & found the quality of product & service standard second to none. We continue to use them on several current projects & would not hesitate to promote their services."

"We purchased 15 large trees from Instant Hedges in the sizes 30/35 up to 45/50, for one of our NHS development sites. I would not hesitate to use them in the future, the quality of trees & service is one which we expect from all our suppliers & one which we pass on to our clients."