Forms & Definitions
Unsure what sort of cover you are looking for, or struggling to understand the terminology? Take a look through our form & definitions below.
Root balled (RB)
Certain field-grown trees benefit from being lifted with the root system and its surrounding soil. The soil is contained and tightly wrapped in a hessian sack or other suitable breathable material. By lifting a tree with its rootball, the roots are more protected from the elements improving the chance of establishment. When lifting larger trees in this way, the hessian rootball is also wrapped in a wire mesh to contain all the soil and for added strength. This is then known as a Wire Root Ball (WRB).
Standard (Std)
Standard refers to a tree that has a single, upright, clear stem up to c.1.8m from the ground before the canopy starts. The lateral shoots have been pruned off to create this clear stem.
Half Standard (1/2 Std)
A half standard tree has a single, upright, clear stem up to c.1.0-1.2m from the ground.
Quarter Standard (1/4 Std)
A quarter standard tree has a single, clear stem up to c.0.6 – 0.8m from the ground
Multistem (MS)
A multistem tree has multiple stems, branching from the ground.
Pleached (Plch)
Pleached is derived from the French language, plechier (pleach) means to braid. This refers to a method of training, where the branches of the young tree are trained along a bamboo framework to create a shape.
Panels (Pnl)
This refers to a method of training, where the branches of the young tree are trained along a bamboo framework to create a shape. Trellis is extended down to the ground to maximise coverage and screening.
Feathered (Fth)
Feathered refers to a tree that branches from the ground upwards. The lateral shoots of the tree have been allowed to grow naturally.
Pre-clipped Hedge unit
Pre-clipped units are hedges that have been clipped into blocks which makes a much more neat and formal hedge.
The troughs on average contain 3 plants that have been planted together to make a mature dense screen and our standard trough bags are 1m x 30cm x 30cm. The advantage of trough hedging is that it can be planted all year round, it is trimmed to produce a neat dense hedge and is easy to manoeuvre into the required planting position. We also supply a ’Bio trough’ option that can be planted straight in the ground to save you time.